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Dr Hugh Ellis

Policy Director, Town and Country Planning Association
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Hugh’s responsibilities at the TCPA include leading on policy development, and briefings and engagement with central government. In 2018 he led the secretariat for the Raynsford Review setting out a blue print for a new planning system in England. Since 2015 Hugh has co-authored four books, including ‘Rebuilding Britain’ and ‘Town Planning in Crisis’ with Kate Henderson, and ‘The Art of Building a Garden City’ and ‘New Towns: Rise Fall and Rebirth’ with Katy Lock for RIBA. Hugh has closely involved in the passage of planning legislation over the last 25 years including providing evidence to public bill committees and working closely with parliamentarians in both the Commons and Lords.  Hugh has given evidence to House of Commons Select Committees on various inquiries on planning, land tax and climate. He has led on TCPA campaign work on planning out poverty and community led housing in Belfast. He remains a strong critic of policies such as Permitted Development and the recent Planning White Paper. Hugh is currently leading on the promotion of Healthy Homes Act and on long term planning for the climate crisis.  He is also the MC for the TCPA’s music event ‘Land of Promise’.    

Prior to joining TCPA Hugh had been the national planning advisor to Friends of the Earth and had previous failed career a as screen writer.  He has a Doctorate in Land Use Planning from the University of Sheffield and is a director of the ‘Incredible Edible’ community interest company.   

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