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Simon Fitton

Technical Director of Planning, YTL Developments
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Simon is a chartered Town Planner with over 20 years post qualification experience. Prior to joining YTL he was head of the planning department at Alder King representing a diverse client base across the country. With a specialism in strategic scale development he has participated in numerous Local Plan examinations and Planning Inquiries. Based in Bristol for his entire career he has worked on major local projects including the two new neighbourhoods in north Bristol at Harry Stoke and Cribbs/Patchway.


He joined YTL in January 2021 to lead the new planning promotion for Brabazon at the former Filton Airfield. He is tasked with securing a new permission for a significant uplift in the scale of development, including an increase in the number of homes from 2,500 to 6,500 and commercial development to support up to 30,000 new jobs. He is also part of the YTL Arena team helping to resolve planning matters ahead of planned opening in 2024. The projects are destined to deliver transformational change in North Bristol, leading the way in sustainable travel choices and carbon footprint reduction.


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